Can you lose your eyelashes from false eyelashes?

Unfortunately, false eyelashes can also cause the temporary or permanent loss of real eyelashes. Removing false eyelashes can break natural eyelashes and even damage the hair follicle.

Can you lose your eyelashes from false eyelashes?

Unfortunately, false eyelashes can also cause the temporary or permanent loss of real eyelashes. Removing false eyelashes can break natural eyelashes and even damage the hair follicle. When this happens, your own eyelashes may not grow back. Then there are false eyelashes, which represent a variety of combined culprits.

When it comes to extensions, many people have an allergic reaction to glue, causing inflammation that can cause eyelashes to fall out. In the case of false eyelashes, the glue can adhere to natural eyelashes and, if removed incorrectly, it can tear natural eyelashes, says Dr. He suggests using a specific adhesive remover or oil cleaner for a more gentle removal. If you notice that your natural lashes look thinner and thinner as your eyelash extensions start to fall out, treatment could be the culprit.

Sometimes extensions can disrupt the natural growth cycle of eyelashes.

False eyelashes

are a cosmetic enhancement used to create the appearance of full and lush eyelashes. False eyelashes come in a variety of materials, colors, and lengths, from short to dramatically long. They are fixed on the upper part of the natural eyelashes with an adhesive material.

If improperly applied or removed, false eyelashes can damage natural eyelashes. Even with proper application, excessive use can damage natural eyelashes. However, eyelash extensions can damage or tear natural eyelashes. If natural eyelashes are lost due to eyelash extensions, they usually grow back within a few months.

If the extension is too heavy, it will stress the natural eyelashes to which it is attached. Over time, this could lead to premature detachment and natural loss of eyelashes.


loss can occur with both hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). According to Clementina Richardson, a famous eyelash expert and founder of Envious Lashes, a sleep mask can cause eyelash extensions to tilt and lose their shape when pressed against the eyes throughout the night.

Read on to learn more reasons why your eyelashes might be sagging and when to see a doctor for a proper evaluation. As for me, I could try an eyelash extension and skip the false ones so I don't have to find out from personal experience. If you suspect that eyelash loss is due to a reaction to cosmetics or eye cream, stop using eye products and get an allergy test to find out what you're allergic to. If, unfortunately, an eyelash technician made your eyelash extensions who didn't apply them correctly and made one of the three mistakes above (extensions that are too heavy, sticky, or nail tips), your natural eyelashes may be damaged.

The glue for eyelashes should be applied directly to the eyelashes and should not come into contact with the natural eyelashes, this will protect them from the aggressive chemicals in the glue. The amount of time it takes for eyelashes to grow back varies depending on the cause and degree of eyelash loss. If someone isn't sure why their eyelashes fall out, it's best to talk to a doctor to determine the underlying cause. But will eyelashes grow back faster if a person uses home remedies to treat lost eyelashes? The answer is probably not.

Eyelash thinning is another part of the aging process, so if your eyelashes don't appear to have the same length and volume as before, don't worry. Contact lens wearers should be careful when wearing false eyelashes, as glue can be transferred to the contact lens. It's not uncommon to find stubborn eyelashes here and there (some even dare to say it could be lucky), but if you experience more hair loss than normal and see your eyelashes become sparse as a result, it can be disturbing and, in some cases, cause a change or a closer look. If a thyroid condition or autoimmune disease caused the loss of eyelashes, the person may need to treat the underlying health problem to prevent eyelashes from falling out.

Frank points out that you should pay special attention to the expiration dates of your eye products, as this can often lead to bacterial infection. . .

Alexa Nolet
Alexa Nolet

Proud zombie specialist. Internet expert. Extreme tv practitioner. Unapologetic zombie lover. Hipster-friendly pizza ninja.